Monday, September 29, 2014


In our recent  Consulting Job at Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) , We spent some good time with their National Creative  Director and one of the best Cartoonist India has got –Neelabh Banerjee!!!

It was our First ever experience to see someone reacting to the surroundings and their happenings so fast and so sharply !!!

His Cartoons!!!

The Neelabh Toons on all Digital Plateforms now!!!  (He doesn’t need our Endorsement!! J J  )

Neelabh Bhai,As we affectionetly call him , has entertained us for more than Twenty years through Times of India,

There at RIL , We learnt one thing from him : The Power of OBSERVATION

Few Days back ,We met one of the biggest GEC Executives and observed few of his  GEC observations ,

Realised ,

Observations should be shared.

That very day,We thought of putting our own recent  and disconnected GEC observations here in this Blog ,

But not in the form of a statement being passed , Or an advice being given; (We avoid that.)

We just question on Trends and Themes , You will create  your own answers!!

Here goes ;


 Question 1 : Is it just a coincidence that many or most of the GECs today have got historicals in their top ranking shows?

Question 2 : If its not , Why are they working so well now?

Question 3 : Can we guess or research the viewers emotional response on these Historicals in comparison to ongoing Dramas ?

Question 4 : Are “Positivity” or “Feel Good” factors  powerfull enough to become the tool of change?

Question 5: Why do we find less number of  Hardhitting and Hardcore shows on GECs these days ?

Question 6 : Is it focussing more on “Semi Urban” cities,rather focussing on “Village Cities” ?

Question 7 : Don’t we find relatable issues exhausting on GECs?

Question 8 : Do we need to expand the orbit of the factor “Relatibility” ?

Question 9 :Are we still surprising the viewers with our Content?

Question 10 : What could be the future of various genres in GEC space?

Question 11: Are we sure that the existing and the shrinked selection of Genres should continue on GECs?

Question 12 : Are we really entertaining the female viewers?

Question 13 : Are we sure that we are not just carrying forward the  allready exhausted content offerings to female viewers ?

Question 14 : Are our Research Tools properly intigrated into the expanding markets ?

Question 15 : Why are we not moving beyond the mark of 350 in our GRPs ?

Question 16 : Are we sure that It’s a case of segmented and cluttered market ?

Question 17 : What should we make to bring the new viewers in ?

Question 18 :Cant we mix match the forgotten and ignored genres into the mainstream content of GECs?

Question 19 : Does  the form of our narratives need experiments ?

Question 20 : How do we do experiments with the on air narratives to have a reality check on them ?

Question 21 : Are we over stressing on  allmost  exhausted “Look and Feel” factors rather inventing newly defined factors of “Look and Feel” ?

Question 22 : Are we sure that our “SETS” don’t make all our shows look same ?

Question 23 : Do we really give time to the writing process of Scripts ?

Question 24 : Cant we bring in a Restriction Cap on the number of TV shows a writer writes ? (With bigger and better Fee Structure)

Question 25 : How can we get the viewers back on Weeklies ?

Question 26 : Will a One Hour Daily show work ?

Question 27 : Can Interactive be the next phase of Fiction Content ?

Question 28 : What could be the possible forms and formats for this ?

Question 29 : Is there a contradiction in “Aspirational” and “Relatable” content ?

Question 30 : Does the Mature Drama exist anywhere ?

Question 31 : Cant we create a “TRACKS INTIGRATION” way of serving different viewers through the same story ?

Question 32 : Is there really no way of thinking beyond the “GIRL” in our stories ?

Question 33 : Can  the arrival of an Elephant in a TV series (And We congratulate them on this) trigger a trend of exploring daring steps ?

Question 34 : Are we too exhausted creatively to innovate ?

Question 35 : Is it so that the greater content ideas are existing around us but not reaching to us ?

Question 36 : Can we reduce the time spent in Channel-Production House communications to invest it into the better making of the shows ?

Question 37 : Who could be better : The ESTABLISHED ones  or the  NEW ones !!!

Question 38 :Why are we finding lesser  number of Female Executives in decision making roles at GECs?

Question 39 : Does it make any difference in our Creative Outputs ?

Question 40 : Does the larger content vision provide a better focus to content decisions ?

Question 41 : Does the  larger content vision restrict  the content  Innovation ?

Question 42 : Is the Production Community and the Channel Community ideating enough to innovate new content paths together ?

Question 43 : Does the “GUT FEEL ” still help in getting numbers ?

Question 44 : Can we make a Dead Show Alive using Content Tools ?

Question 45 : What is that “Ekta Kapoor Touch” ,  that brings magic to allmost all of her shows? (Positively,It has to be researched and learnt J )

Question 46 : Why did the Content of MAHABHARAT work so well this time ?  (Though  It failed only few years back  ) (A formula might be hidden inside the answer)

Question 47 : Are we sure about the real impact of Big TV stars in a TV show ?

Question 48 : Is it a right practice to avoid naming the artists in the show ?

Question 49 :Have we taken away the individual stamp of the shows by removing the Title Montages ?

Question 50 : What have we lost in Television during all these years ?

Question 51 : What have we added in Television during all these years?


We are sure that you will be able to add Hundreds of your Questions,and infact better Questions to this list of Questions;

Please do that;

Questioning  creates  a Matrix of  Cluttered Ideas  within ourselves;

A Chaos of Ideas!!!

And,As Shekhar Kapoor says : “ Creativity Exists in Chaos”


That’s the idea of writing;

















































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