Sunday, September 7, 2014


 Television is for viewers.

It wants to interact and engage the viewers,Sometimes the traditional viewers,Sometimes inviting the new viewers,Viewers and the Viewership is the biggest thing for Television.

We make Fiction and Non Fiction shows for them,We report News for them,We cover Sports for them…We do all this in the name of viewers and viewership;

Where are they!!!Where do they exist in our Scheme of things!!

They exist in the Research Methods of companies which are asked to do the Research;

They exist on the stale and not so active and interactive Web Sites of various Television organisations;

They exist in the Mobile Codes of shows and programmes;

They exist in the ground activities of shows and programmes;


Viewers need a Live Interactive Digital Rocket of Communication;

A Rocket that can travel with Interactive Communication between a TV programme and the viewer so fast that It almost has the capacity to adjust,control or alter the product;

Is it possible!!!

Very Easily;This is a digital age,We are able to send communication signals to billions of miles away in other galaxies,So nothing big to create this line of communication.

What could be the shape of it!!

Something that empowers the viewers LIVE!!!

Viewers should have a Button,They should have a target for their communication,And there has to be a mechanism on the other end.

It should move beyond providing Mobile Numbers and Codes;

Viewers reacts,The other end replies,The data is stored,Its automatically analysed,A paper sheet is printed,A report is mailed,A Ticker announces the action on Screen,It all happens in seconds.

We should not depend on Rating agencies,They are for different purposes,They tell who watches what,We need to hear the voices of the people directly;

Its possible only when we create something for the viewers;

WHAT and HOW!!!

We are sure that It has to be a Technological plateform;

Something beyond Twitter,Something beyond Facebook;

Something that is created for the specific need;

Why It has not happened so far!!

Because Techno Guys are not interested in creating something for the world of Broadcasters,It’s a world not that big,They will prefer the direct world of  Millions or Billions of Consumers for their Technology products;


We might be wrong;

Someone Somewhere might be working on an Idea;

An idea that will change the outdated communication systems between the Television organisations and the Viewers;

Viewers  are the reason of Television;

Viewers are the reasoning of Television;

Viewers cant be left at a corner of our scheme of things;

They have to be brought at the centre stage;

Earlier It was difficult;

Today Its very easy;

We just need  A SOMEONE who has the power to do it,Who has the vision to do it,Who has a desire to say ;

Lets do it;

Lets do something bigger about

Empowering the Viewers!!!!!


























































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