Sunday, September 14, 2014


Dr Subhash Chandra!!!

I,Khalid of Samidha- Khalid, started my career on October 20,1994 with  his Zee TV in its Delhi office.I became a student belonging to his school;

I  still consider him a great teacher;

His company gave me entry into Television,His company gave me entry into Mumbai ,His company gave me my first business as a Producer;

And his life gave me inspirations;

So when he teaches  to  young students now through his “Dr Subhash Chandra Show” on Zee Network , I still sit in front of TV and listen to him just like a student;

Wondering,Who will be our next Dr Chandra!!

Who will create something out of nothing!!!

Today,Dr Chandra is teaching and inspiring today’s generation to invent something new;

But where is that person who is going to surprise us!!!

Television is waiting for him!!!

Today’s Dr Chandra!!!

And what will he offer us!!

We don’t know!!!

Only he knows!!

But something  in Television which is not just a channel , Something which is not an extention of programming , Something which is not converting it all into Digital;

This something will be a new something;

Like Google became to us when it came;

Like Facebook and Twitter became when it came;

This something in Television is expected now!!

 Someone has to dream something!!!

Dr Chandra was saying it today in his show ;

“Collective Mind is considered a Force in Corporate world , But Creativity belongs to an individual,Two persons together don’t create anything,Its just a singular individualistic identity that creates something out of nothing.”

He says;

“Conciousness and Compassion lead us to Creativity.”

“If you dream,You might be able to convert a non existing dream into a new reality.”

Dr Chandra brought a New Technology in India;

That became a media empire today;

We all have learnt from him;

It’s the duty of today’s generation to say “Thank You” to Dr Chandra;

And this “Thank You” can only be said through an action;

Action of Inventing something new into Television;

Action of bringing some non existing thing into Television;

Action of creating a new dream;

And lets be very clear;

This cant be another TV show,Another stream of programming,Another channel,Digitalisation Process..Nothing on this line..This all is an extention of existing things;

As Dr Chandra says;

“Not everyone can create,Very few has got the ability to create something that was non existing,Teams are formed to run it only.”

1 person created Twitter;

Thousands of people run it now;

This,The power of ONE , is again needed in Television;

Thank you Dr Chandra for “ Dr Subhash Chandra Show”;

You said it today in you show that “This is not business for you,You want to share your life to inspire the youth of India.”

And we understand it;

Your presence on Television as a Teacher is highly inspiring for all of us;

You gave us a new way of life : The Cable Television!

We promise you on behalf of our generation;

That the generation of today will take it forward;

Someone somewhere;

Dreaming a Non Existing Ambition;

Will bring out something new;


Might be a Hardware divice;

Might be a way of viewing Television;

Might be Hybrid Software;

Might be a Star Trek Technology;

Might be a Village Broadcasting System;

Might be a User Generated Broadcast System;

 We really don’t know;

What we surely  know;

Is that we need a new Dr Chandra of today;


Who might  be a creative person;

Who might  be an inventer;

Who might be  a business person;

Who might be a Scientist;

Who might be a Digital Innovator;

Who might be a dreamer;


Who will give us this;


We all are waiting for this to happen again;

This is a new dream in process;

That person might be seeing it in his or her todays;

We will see it when he share it with us;


Whenever it happens;

We will be thankfull to him;

But first;

We will again say;































































  1. बहुत सुंदर और समझने वाला लेख है । लेख में समंदर जैसी गहराई थी । कई बार पढ़ना पड़ा । एक बार में समझ आने लायक सामग्री नहीं थी । डॉ सुभाष चन्द्र शो के माध्यम से बीते कल से आज तक के सफर की सुंदर प्रस्तुति थी । सभी कुछ था भावुकता, संवेदनशीलता, मनोविज्ञान, अनुभव और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण दर्शन । बरसों बाद भी ज़ी टीवी के लिए प्रेम और आदर व्यक्त करना आपकी महानता है, बडप्पन है । बच्चों सी मासूमियत के साथ खुद को इस संस्थान का विद्यार्थी माना है । नैतिकता की बात करें तो उन लोगों से सम्मान हासिल करने का ज़ी संस्थान को पूरा हक है और इस हक को देना धर्म भी बनता है । इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं कि ऐसे लोगों की बहुत बड़ी संख्या है जिन्हें इस संस्थान ने अपना प्रतिभा प्रदर्शित करने के भरपूर अवसर दिए । बहुत से लोगों ने खूब यश कमाया और सामाजिक, आर्थिक रूप से भी समृद्ध हुए । लेख पढ़ते हुए दिलो-दिमाग फ्लैश बैक में विचरण करने लगा था । जेहन में ज़ी टीवी की अनेक यादें फिर से हलचल मचाने लगीं । बहुत सी घटनाएं कल की सी बात महसूस होने लगी थीं । ज़ी टीवी पर न्यूज़ के शुरूआती दिनों की आपकी यादें वाकई बहुत कुछ समझने समझाने वाली थीं । अब देखिए इतने वर्षों बाद आज भी आपके मन-मस्तिष्क में ज़ी टीवी के प्रति वही सत्कार है । डॉ सुभाष चन्द्रा द्वारा स्थापित आपका वो स्कूल (ज़ी टीवी ) अब एक विश्वविद्यालय का रूप ले चुका है । डॉ सुभाष चन्द्र की वृहत दृष्टि और आप जैसी कई प्रतिभाओं का ही प्रतिफल है कि तब का ज़ी टीवी आज 80 चैनल समूह का एक बहुत बड़ा परिवार बन गया है और शतक की ओर बढ़ रहा है । ऐसे में डॉ सुभाष चन्द्र शो के माध्यम से उनके विज़न पर आपकी टिप्पणी और उन्हें धन्यवाद देना वास्तव में दिल को छूता है । जिस व्यक्ति ने देश में टीवी क्षेत्र में पूरी क्रांति ला दी हो ऐसे डॉ सुभाष चन्द्रा को धन्यवाद देना कौन नहीं चाहेगा । बेहतरीन प्रस्तुति के लिए साधुवाद ।
    चन्द्र प्रकाश बुद्धिराजा
