Thursday, August 7, 2014



Year 2001,New Delhi

The News Director of the Number 1 News Channel of the country did not ask me , rather he  told me a strange thing : I want you to take an assignment for this News Channel.I want you to take independent charge of an half an hour News Programme of this channel…and give it the energy,orientation and the psychology of the Entertainment industry where you work now...He continued..Here in News,We have better stories than the fictitious stories of the entertainment world  but here  we don’t have an innovative and gripping form of narrative..The connect with the people!! I was surprised but confident about his vision..Unfortunetly,We could not work on his visionary idea.

Year 2004 ,Mumbai

The News Director,Now the Editor of a big news channel again told me the same thing :There is a 7 PM show on this channel..I want to experiment with the form,format and the narrative of it..Again,It could not happen but,

We made a special series on the on-going war between Raj Thackerey and Uddhav Thackerey.
An experiment was finally made!!

The larger story  was a political one but It was presented as a human story of a family.Things were attempted at the micro level of its idea and Script.
If this thought and approach of the News Director could have been remained  available to News Television, This could have been the beginning of a new phase for Television News in our country.

The News Director moved on to lead the world of stories in the entertainment world.He knew the power of real stories..He experimented with the form,format and narratives of the fictitious stories..He himself became a great success story.
His success in the entertainment world is an argument in favour of the fact that..If News could understand the power of form,format and narrative,If News could understand the philosophy  that viewers are a living thing and not a concept ,If News could understand the responsibility of engaging the viewers with the usability of the content…The day will not be far when a News channel can surpass the ratings of a General Entertainment Channel!!

I just asked myself why I am writing this piece on News from the point of view of this visionary!!


Because I never heard such things  again from anyone in the world of Television News.
So What I got from his vision can be a part of my narrative today.

POINT NUMBER 1 : The hidden  OPPORTUNITY in News was understood by him.Its still there.
Now comes the second thing:ACCEPTENCE OF THE TRUTH

Long back,He asked me;

Can you make a five minutes capsule on Entertainment World for my News Channel?

I said, “ There can be a half an hour daily capsule on the happenings of the world of TV Serials.”  (We were discussing this at a time when no news programme on TV serials was existing on any News Channel.)
The team in the News Channel was not convinced with the idea.Many thought that News Channel should not promote the Entertainment Channels.

The visionary said, “This is wrong.We in News Channels are nowhere in comparison to the ratings of the Entertainment Channels.We have to accept the truth and the truth is this , that we get benefited  by showing the serials of the entertainment channels on our News Channels.”


That a whole world of communication with the viewers exists beyond News Channels.
We can study the methods and impacts of this communication to utilise it in the narratives of the News Channels.

POINT NUMBER 2 : News needs innovation and innovation can come from outside the world of News also.We have to accept this truth.

Beliefs and Opinions are always personal,So mine are too!!

In the world of Television News,Today

Oppurtunity is there;
Acceptance is not there;

And without acceptance,How can we bring in the change!!

When we look at the Entertainment Television today;
We can see that a lot of academic and research driven thinking is being applied not only to bring in micro level changes but to adjust with the futuristic change patterns also.

When we look at the News Television today;
We don’t find these elements.Things are same for the last many years.

Now,At a time

When the biggest corporate group of the country has directly taken control of a News Network;

People are skeptical;
But I feel that this could be the best thing ever happened to the world of News Television;

It might introduce a new element;

Element of Responsibility;
Business grows on responsibility..and the business groups  believe in fixing up the responsibilities;

If the business responsibility to engage and hold the viewers is introduced aggressively;

Then the News Teams have  to learn the new forms of narratives of their stories and programmes..To engage the viewers..To hold the viewers.
The disconnect with the viewers has to go;

So Mr Network 18 News Network!! (Its so obvious!! J )

You are a source of hope for the entire world of Television News;

I leave it to you  and intend to end this piece of today.


We did not talk about the possibilities of various ideas in News Television!!

Can we innovate? Can we experiment? Can we introduce a new kind of programming? Why cant it be  Useful News? Why cant we introduce new concepts?

This and more;

In the concluding part of this piece TOMORROW!!!!!


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