Friday, August 8, 2014


Year 1996,New Delhi

 At J 27,South Extension Office of “To Be Launched Zee News”

 My teacher in Television News started telling me things.(He was in those few in the country at that time who knew about Television News as he had worked with the only News Provider of that age:Doordarshan News)
He said, “In Television News,Visuals are more important than the Audio.We are in the business of images.Keep this in mind.”

Oh My God!!!!
He knew the biggest secret at the time of the Big Bang of Television News in this country,

He moved on to other sectors;
And  his precious saying was forgotten by the coming generation of Television News fraternity.


The Images!!! Not the Audio!!!
We are not discussing  a Silent News Bulletin on a News Channel;

But his saying tells us about the power of visuals in Television News,It does not need the support of shouting anchors or overdoing reporters from the spots,All It needs is the understanding how the viewer will understand it!!!

This was directly related with the form of the Narrative.

Now the teacher is back in a bigger role as the head of a News Network,I hope that his forgotten saying will be brought back to create a connect of usefulness  between the Television News  and the viewers.


POINT NUMBER 3 : The connect of usefulness  has to be created. (This connect of usefulness can be found and studied in the advertising industry driven initiatives and products.Entertainment Television is a connect of Engagement.)


Now What!!!


We just need to watch Entertainment Channels for few days.We can find many weekend shows and programmes on these channels , in disguise of an entertainment programme , But they actually are News programmes.
Television News did not innovate  its programming and much of its possible programming was hijacked by the entertainment channels..And there,It delivers good ratings…Crime Based Shows,Issue based Shows,Truth Exposing Reality Shows,Humanatarian Programmes..All- that could have been giving ratings to News are today on Entertainment channels.

Television News should get it back with more innovation on it.

Any format,Any Form can be changed anytime.It should just experience good.
Formats can be changed in seconds;

As I change  the format of this piece of writing NOW!!!

 My dear Television News!!

You have an advantage!!!You go LIVE!!!They don’t.(Mostly),So the power of Live Realism with right kind of the connect of usefulness will any day bring your things back to you.


The issue of talent.
Dear Television News!!

You are mostly based in Delhi;

Do you know the fact that thousands of talented people working in Mumbai come from Delhi only.

Why don’t you hold them for News industry!!!They are there..But they might not be there in News channels..They are young  and bright boys and girls studying or planning their lives..Catch them..They will give you great output but they will remain with you.. only , If you create an exciting creative layout of News and its programming for their talent to get exposed.

I guess,you should also look at another interesting fact , My Dear Television News!
The biggest entertainment channel in India is being run by many News persons today.They are the ones who are handling and controlling the world of fictitious stories.They are doing it very successfully.

These News persons discuss Scripts,Clothings,Sets,Music,The Look and Feel..The Content Positioning,Its designing to touch the pulse of the consumers..Viewers

They do it all very successfully,This I can tell you with confidence,
How is it possible !!!

Because a News person always gets a 360 degree view of the surroundings and happenings;

A News person can fit into anything with right kind of attitude;

So the power lies within!!!It just needs to be understood!!It just needs to break the barriers of restricted thinking!!It just requires courage!!

I feel that AAP KI ADALAT  on India TV is the biggest example of courage shown in last Eighteen  years of private news bulletins  in India.
The presenter of the show,The owner of the channel,is a landmark personality;

He is my mentor,He gave me a professional life to start with,I can be biased towards him,But I am not;

This is a fact that;

He created the format of the Adalat in Television News twenty  years ago taking the risk of being laughed at,Taking the risk of being rejected by the viewers..He took the risk and  did it..and Yes ,There was a visionary business  man at Zee TV  standing to support him.

Why did he support him;

He supported because he was a businessman,He focussed on the pulse of the people rather talking about the academic  seriousness of the News business
So I can say again;The bigger roles of Corporate groups in Television News may enhance its output.

I am very hopeful for the Television News industry;
I may be right on few things,I may be wrong on few things;

But my perspective will remain a third angle perspective as I write it from a point  where I am neither inside the Television News nor completely out of it.
Oh yeah;
How can I forget it!!!!

One of my friends , The powerful head of a News Channel,has just completed his first Hindi feature film as a Director..Should I tell you the name..I am sure you know him.

See,He has narrated News Stories all his life;
He is easily narrating a fictitious story now!!!

Question:What does it mean?
Answer:It means that anything is possible.News people can do anything.For doing things outside News,For doing things inside News..So you do you job..I do my job..Before that,Let me congratulate him.
Congratulations My Dear Friend,You could be the latest inspiration for the entire Television News world.


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