Friday, August 15, 2014


Sometimes We do wonder about the fact that we don’t see writings on subjects like “How to design the struggle of a TV actor!”, “What to do after becoming a successful TV writer!”. “What should a TV producer do after making many shows!”, “Is getting a job at a TV channel  becomes the last stop for TV professionals!”, “Where will the channel creatives go?”, “Can a Supervising Producer survive beyond twenty years!”, “Are creative professionals growing intelectualy!”, “Is Television a short term career!”, “Can there be a plan for a transition from Television to Films!”, What can you do after quitting the News Channel!”, “Are we understanding the arrival of Digital!”.

For a matter of fact,We have found most of the TV professionals confused about these questions.Many try to get the answers but they don’t get it,And then decide not to think about all this,But actually they continuously think about it as the unknown allways looks scary.

Don’t Worry,Its not that scary.

Lets discuss it for two separate categories:The Entertainment Professionals and the News Professionals!

First the Entertainment professionals:

Do you remember the highly artistic and popular Television shows of late Eighties or Early Nineties!!

Many of those great shows were made by highly talented people coming directly from Film Industry.Well read creative people with a strong exposure to society and literature were driving the Hum Log  era of Television in this country.THE FIRST GENERATION OF TELEVISION!

Where have they gone!What happened to them!



Because they did not understand and accept  the changing language of Television from the second half of 1992 with the arrival of Zee TV.We started our career in 1994 and we remember meeting many talented professionals of Doordarshan era in those initial years of settelite Television.They were not agreeing to changing trends.They disappeared.


They were born mostly in the creative labs of  Zee TV,Sony TV,Star Plus,Balaji,UTV,Cinevista,TraCinema,DJs,Creative Eye,Adhikari Brothers,Plus Channel,Siddhant,With Sagars,Chopras and Sanjay Khans and many others.

They are still around.Sitting in TV channels,Producing TV shows,Heading TV Companies,Doing Consulting Jobs,Working on Film Projects,

The Second Generation is still doing great work,They are still making great money;

But the changing trends are very strong and they are taking place faster than the early 90s.


Its time for the Second Generation to introspect.Changing trends can kill any generation.The First Generation of Television disappeared and the second generation  of Television can also disappear if we don’t read the writing on the wall.

We all have no option but to accept the Digital Language of Entertainment business.Its not only about putting the content on Digital Plateforms,Its beyond that.

In Few Years,We will face hundreds of possibilities:

The nature and shape of Content Products will change / The creation process will go through innovative methods / The new plateforms will require new working attitudes / The timelines will drastically change / The responses from the viewers will be different / The impact of screenplays will be planned differently / There will be localisation and interactivity in content / There will be viewers involvement in decision making / The creative processes will not be isolated processes.

Many More Points!!!

The TV channels are run by market oriented forces.They have read the writing on the wall and preparations are on for the coming years.

The Creative Professionals are still a little away from the reality.

Sometime back We were  discussing this with a friend of us who heads the Digital Wing of a TV channel.We shared our concern that not many in our industry are concerned about it  and she said..Whats the need to enlighten everyone about the encoming danger!!Everyone needs to look around on their own..And we who understand it today will be the first movers in coming tomorrows!!

Yes,The First Movers!!

Those who understand and accept it today.



Those who don’t understand or accept it today.

So Its an oppurtunity,

Lets educate ourselves,Lets accept the new language,

Let there be a phase of the Second and Third Generation together.

It might be a very exciting time for us!!

See the possibilities!!!

City based Channels / Shows with Real Actors / Interactive Mobile Dramas / Innovative Web Channels / Production Houses in small cities / Rural participation in Content Business / Personal Programming / New Working Methods / Films and Television together / Mohalla Content,

The list can go on!!!

This all can belong to us - THE SECOND GENERATION OF TELEVISION ..if we decide to welcome it with our understanding of it.

So Good Days are ahead..If we remain Good to coming future!!

 Now The News Professionals:

What could be  the life beyond a News Channel!!!..Time to think.

If you get up early in the morning,Chasing  your stories throughout the days,Going back to your homes blank,Having no energy left to read and study the life and surroundings..What will happen to you?

“THIS” happens to thousands of News professionals everyday;

Not prepared for life beyond News Channels,Not able to adjust with other streams of Communication,Not getting other News Plateforms,Not reading,Not studying,Not Growing as a professional,

Thousands of them are getting disillusioned!!!

The quality and ethics of News Channels have disappointed their creative energies..And this whole experience does not give them great money comparison to Entertainment Television professionals;

So what do they do!!Where do they go!!Whats the future!!

Its complicated because News is connected with the game of power.The News channels are run for different purposes.They are focussed on the happenings,rather focussing on those who report these happenings.

Entertainment professionals create the happenings (Read :The Original Content)..And the happenings are reported,So the people are very important;

In News,Happenings (Read:The Act and the Activity)are created on its News Makers..Those who report just report it..So the people are not that important;

News Industry is not supportive to its own people.

 The News Professionals don’t have much to do beyond News Channels;

As there are no outsourcing there because of Control and Economical factors.


Whats the future of News Professionals!!

Can be great!!

Yes,It can also be great!!

Infact greater than the entertainment professionals!!!

 The business of News will move beyond these News Channels,The process has started.

The arrival of Google Glass,The experiments of Baloon Internet for rural areas,The coming age of 4G,5G,6G;

This all will change the face of News;

Every single individual can be in a position to run a News stream somewhere on some plateform.

This is an oppurtunity;

For those,Who want to understand and accept it;

Else..The power business will throw you out when you become useless!!

 Smart people have allready started taking steps;

When we are writing this,We read an article about one of the biggest names in News Television..Someone who recently sold  his News empire to a business group,

This someone having billions of dollors now in his pocket is today searching something in the lanes of cities and towns of the United States of America.

Search for the future of personalised news on hand held divices;

Another someone ,who recently sold his entertainment empire to a foreign group,has invested heavily in a user generated News Portal;

It’s a symbol of greatest hope!!

News can never be outdated;

News professionals can never be outdated..If!!

 They read the writing on the wall!!

We are sure that they will do that and adjust their careers with the changing trends;

 Road blocks are standing on roads ahead;

But there are longer Roads existing  beyond them;

We The People,We The People of Entertainment and News industries have to cross these road blocks;

We all can do it;



























































































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