Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Afsos!!!Its not a Promotional Write Up on the eve of the launch of EPIC!!! We realise that it may be misunderstood as a promotional material , But we decided to write it,As we feel for  it.


So Here we write!!!

The last post on Uday Shankar became the most read post of our Blog – In Thousands!!!

People do want to read about those who bring change;

Who carries their own stamp,Who creates an impact;

And this is why;We have always loved the stories coming from our grand past;

The History!!!The Mythology!!!


It’s not a surprise;

 That, A new Television channel is being launched;


Watching the Promos of Epic;

We salute the vision of Epic;

Someone sitting over there has captured the magic of History  in its true sense;

History is not all about wars and dates;

History is all about people and their interactions;

All Genres of Fiction Television are hidden in our History;

Someone understood it and decided to decode it;

If our reading goes correct;

It’s going to be Clutter Breaking Channel!!!!



I have spent my entire life reading and studying History and Beyond History;

All cannot be squeezed into the stories of Laxmibai,Akbar,Maharana Pratap,Chandragupta,Ashok or Raziya only;

It was;

And It is;

Much beyond the scope of personality driven Television shows;

Unfortunately,Indian Television remained focused on personality driven Historicals mainly,

We forgot;


When we read the Daily Schedules of Moghul Emperors,We find that It’s a Drama;

When we read the lost years of Jesus in India,It’s a Suspense thriller;

When we read how administrative divisions took place during partition,We may find it a Comedy;

Have a look at Autobiography of a Yogi,It’s a Supernatural Thriller;

Story of the Vishkanyas of the Mouryaas – A  Spy Thriller;

The story of the TajMahal-The grandest love story;

The forgotten Sarswati River –Potential of a Reality Show;

The Mahabharat – A Game Show?

The Alien theories and our temples – A Space Drama?

A boy looking at the Freedom Movement with his small eyes –A Children’s Show!!!


This list will never end;


If we know the art and craft of innovating fiction with the mix match of History and Mythology;

We shall be getting a new kind of Fiction Programming;

And I guess, That’s the idea of Epic!!!



We believe that the new channel has mostly stayed away from traditional GEC producers and creative professionals!!!

We agree with this approach;

Most of us have been trained to think in a specific manner;

Most of us have been trained to think History or Mythology the GEC way;

And this thinking will not be able to break the Clutter!!

So they are right!!!


As we move on,We have to create a new generation of Creative Professionals who will understand and accept the Innovations required for such initiatives;


Another problem;

We don’t read much,Specially the History and Mythology;

Until we read much,We shall be dependent on Researchers;

As we move on,We have to read more as this kind of Innovative Creation will deliver greater outputs if its studied by the creator himself;

The arrival of EPIC will open all these opportunities for the Television industry.


Oh Ya!!

What about the responsibility factor!!!!

How real they will be!!!

We simply don’t know!!!!

Yes,Everything real may be very boring;

But while fictionalising the historical facts,How far can we go!!!

Chandragupta will be seen by our Kids at home..If a Love Affair is shown there just to have a love story..What shall we tell our kids when they ask..Did Chandragupta Mourya have a girl friend!!!

Fictionalised History also leaves a very strong impact;

It has to be presented with the Tag of HANDLE WITH CARE!!!

If its handled with care, It will not only entertain but also will bring a change in our careless attitude towards our grand past!!!

We are sure that all this must have been discussed in the board rooms of EPIC;

We are sure that this all must have been discussed by Mukesh Ambani and Anand Mahindra;

We are sure that this all and more must have been there in the mind of the man,Yes,The Man :MAHESH SAMAT!!!

The man who made it happen!!!


Mr Mahesh Samat;

Today,We know you  through one thing  only :EPIC!!!

The channel will be launched tomorrow;

But a Vision has been launched;

You must have worked on this vision for years;

It’s a great vision;

Carving out an Entire GEC from the world of History and Mythology!!



Congratulations Mr Ambani;

Congratulations Mr Mahindra;

Congratulations Mr Samat;

And Yes, Thank You Very Much;

For giving India;

That was required for a very very long time.


In the world of all GECs;

You all have written;

A NEW EPIC!!!!!!