Friday, November 29, 2019

Still in Search of the GEC Formula!!!

(A +B) X C = AC + BC

Put your figures into it and get the desired result.Its a Mathematical formula.

(Relatibility + Strong Characters) X Good Screenplays  + Good Producer   (Creative Vision X Casting)

                                       (Research + Promotion) – Distribution

Is equal to what!!!

Noone Knows!!!

Because all these variants reacts differently to different formulae created in different sets of Time and Space!!

What we know for sure is that these variants do exist,Some like mentioned above,Some more like Look & Feel,The Disruptive or Representative Content,The Making,The Direction,The Freshness,The Recall Value and many more.

Everyone in Entertainment Television industry is in continuous search of the formula that works,And Its not that we don’t get formulae,We do get formulae,But the formula succeeds once and fails if attempted again,So no permanent formula has been found and success and failure is everyday struggle for everyone.

After writing on the Incoming Changes in Entertainment industry,The Sports Entertainment,Emerging News and the possibilities for the Professionals,We decided to focus on the elements of this hidden but ever existing (Or Unexisting) formula,The Creative Formula,The GEC formula!!!!

In this search,Lets examine the elements that are allready existing:


Few TV channels do a lot of Research,Gets into the Consumer Insight,Tries to explore what the viewers want from that perticular brand and decide a a larger vision for the channel.

Sometimes,A one Liner of the vision is attempted in creating the shape of the creative product,

On the other hand,We also have channels that go for research but does not follow any specific larger vision.

Does it make any difference!!!

Yes,It does!!!


A very outdated question still exists in our surroundings.

Do the viewers follow a channel? OR They follow the shows?

Just think of the shows and you will find one or two successful shows on every channel.

It speaks for the truth of the fact,that the show is the driver,and not the positioning of the channel.

So,Should we blame the overall positioning of the channel for a show not working?

No,We should not!!


The selection of the Concepts that are to be made;

Yes,It’s a very very important element;

At some places,The selection is based on Consumer Insights and Brand Positioning;

At some places,It still is based on Gut Feel and personalised likings;

Is there a big difference?

Yes,There is!!


The Producer!!The person who is going to deliver the product.

At some places,Specific Producers are invited;

At some places,They are open to everyone;

At other places,They encourage new people to come forward;

Few Organisations decide the content on their own and deligate it to a producer;

All these approaches deliver different results.Is this element important?

Yes,It is!!


The Channel Creative Team + The Creative team of Producer = IMPACT

This impact is different for different shows on different TV channels,


We are still discussing:

·         Should the channel creative teams work as Creative Partners or Creative Supervisors?

·         Should the Producer be independently responsible for the output of the show?

No One Policy,Teams work differently,Giving different results;

Do we have the need to streamline it?

Yes,There is a need.

This element affects the larger formula that we are searching for.


Freshness !!!

After spending long years in creating,writing,directing and managing;

People loose freshness;

People coming from outside carry this freshness.Are they welcomed!!!

Yes and No,Both!

We can see,We can smell this freshness at some production houses and  TV channels;

At some places,We find the same old smell;

Does this factor matter?

It does matter!!!


The Disconnect!!

Concepts are approved keeping many things in mind but many times,The teams carrying it forward are disconnected with the original thinking of the thinkers;

Does it happen?

Yes,In most of the cases!!!


Do people enjoy making the show!!!

Not everyone !

Running from here to there handling five shows / Arguing with Creative Teams/Being fired by the seniors / Delivering the creativity just to appease others / Working for money only

Can there be a scenerio where people working on shows love and enjoy every moment of it!!

Feelings reflect in Creations.

Should we take it as an element?

Yes,It IS an element!!


The Promos and Hoardings!!

We have seen it happening many times that the selling pitch of the show is derived from the show very differently from the pitch with which it was started and created;

And its promoted that way only;

Later finding it not reflecting it in the show;

Should the Creators of the show be a strong part of this last step exersise contributing with their vision?

Can it bring in some difference?

It can!!


We have reached at Number Ten  but we have not discussed the Following things:

(Story +Screenplay +Dialogues+Direction+Creative Heading+Set+Music ) = CREATIVE

Is Creative  not important!  Is It not the part of the formula!!

It Is;

Very Much;The strongest part of the formula;

We have seen the shows which were not different,But they were made differently;

And they created a difference.

With their Creative;

Sot we take them as ONE VARIANT of the formula which can be added to or Multiplied with other nine variants.


 Where is the formula?

VARIANT (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9)X VARIANT 10 = A Good Product

But It also can be VARIANT (1+2+3+4) X VARIANT  5 + VARIANT (6+7+8+9) +VARIANT 10=A Good Product

It can be structured in hundreds of ways!!

There can never be a single formula , And we all know it;

We can search for the different Variants that controls the final outcome;

And these Variants too will keep changing;

Few Variants are mentioned above from Number 1 to 10  (Without being Judgemental);

We are sure that you too have your own variants taking this number from 10 to 15;

Someone else will come up with new variants taking it to 20 from 15;

This is a journey;

We have no option but to work on these Variants;

The Variants will create a different formula for a different setting;

Sometimes you may sense it,Like Ekta Kapoor does it correctly most of the time;

Sometimes we may not sense it;

These variants will allways surprise us;

These variants will never let us make a Coca Cola formula;

We will allways be;

In search of;

The GEC Formula!!!!!